Turkish Translation Team
GNOME Türkçe çeviri takımına hoş geldiniz!
Resmi twitter hesabımız: @gnometurk
Telegram grubumuz: https://t.me/gnometr
Takım e-posta listemiz: takim {AT} gnome.org.tr
- Turkish Translation Team Page:
- http://www.gnome.org.tr/
- Bug reporting:
Turkish (tr)
Plural forms: nplurals=1; plural=0
Release | User Interface | Graph | User Interface (red.) | Documentation | Graph |
GNOME 47 (stable) |
99% 32973 4 |
99% 32973 4 |
32% 2813 42 5928 |
GNOME Incubator |
99% 535 2 2 |
99% 535 2 2 |
89% 456 51 |
GNOME 46 (old stable) |
99% 32651 6 7 |
99% 32651 6 7 |
32% 2815 41 5752 |
GNOME 45 (old stable) |
99% 32178 1 |
99% 32178 1 |
33% 2835 28 5721 |
GNOME Circle |
99% 5180 20 15 |
99% 5180 20 15 |
55% 293 10 227 |
GNOME Infrastructure |
85% 1706 13 269 |
85% 1706 13 269 |
0% 920 |
Evolution and friends |
99% 17141 7 |
99% 17141 7 |
0% 4075 |
GIMP and Friends |
98% 13467 92 150 |
98% 13467 92 150 |
1% 662 34 33560 |
Librem 5 - Purism |
99% 781 2 5 |
99% 781 2 5 |
Other Apps |
81% 44829 2068 8179 |
81% 44829 2068 8179 |
7% 1675 6 19830 |
Other Apps (stable) |
94% 18113 257 810 |
94% 18113 257 810 |
13% 1238 6 8200 |
freedesktop.org (non-GNOME) |
80% 9619 741 1661 |
80% 9619 741 1661 |
100% 49 |
All modules | All modules | All modules |
Team membership
No reviewers