Canadian English Translation Team
- Canadian English Translation Team Page:
- Bug reporting:
Canadian English (en_CA)
Plural forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);
Release | User Interface | Graph | User Interface (red.) | Documentation | Graph |
GNOME 47 (stable) |
19% 6556 6597 19807 |
19% 6556 6597 19801 |
0% 8785 |
GNOME Incubator |
22% 122 152 271 |
22% 122 152 271 |
0% 492 |
GNOME 46 (old stable) |
20% 6578 6564 19504 |
20% 6578 6564 19498 |
0% 8610 |
GNOME Circle |
1% 97 21 5649 |
1% 97 21 5649 |
0% 530 |
GNOME Infrastructure |
9% 195 135 1795 |
9% 195 135 1795 |
0% 981 |
Evolution and friends |
27% 4761 6661 5746 |
27% 4761 6661 5746 |
0% 4082 |
GIMP and Friends |
23% 3103 4595 5314 |
23% 3103 4595 5314 |
0% 34667 |
Librem 5 - Purism |
0% 870 |
0% 870 |
Other Apps |
23% 12672 8854 31891 |
23% 12672 8854 31885 |
0% 21300 |
Other Apps (stable) |
15% 2955 3909 12283 |
15% 2955 3909 12258 |
0% 9633 |
| (non-GNOME) |
1% 124 688 11300 |
1% 124 688 11300 |
0% 49 |
All modules | All modules | All modules |
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