Marathi Translation Team
- Bug reporting:
Marathi (mr)
Plural forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)
Release | User Interface | Graph | User Interface (red.) | Documentation | Graph |
GNOME 47 (stable) |
41% 13762 5705 13493 |
41% 13762 5705 13493 |
17% 1519 1368 5898 |
GNOME Incubator |
27% 148 155 242 |
27% 148 155 242 |
0% 492 |
GNOME 46 (old stable) |
42% 13868 5605 13173 |
42% 13868 5605 13173 |
17% 1519 1364 5727 |
GNOME Circle |
0% 28 11 5728 |
0% 28 11 5728 |
0% 530 |
GNOME Infrastructure |
0% 2126 |
0% 2126 |
0% 981 |
Evolution and friends |
56% 9641 4814 2715 |
56% 9641 4814 2715 |
0% 4082 |
GIMP and Friends |
78% 17950 2831 1991 |
78% 17950 2831 1991 |
0% 34667 |
Librem 5 - Purism |
0% 870 |
0% 870 |
Other Apps |
17% 9564 5310 38543 |
17% 9564 5310 38537 |
0% 21300 |
Other Apps (stable) |
24% 4614 1497 13036 |
24% 4614 1497 13034 |
0% 9633 |
| (non-GNOME) |
13% 1663 996 9454 |
13% 1663 996 9453 |
0% 49 |
All modules | All modules | All modules |
Team membership
No committers
No reviewers