There is currently no established team for this language. See the GTP Wiki to get more information about the process of building a new translation team.
Norwegian Bokmål (nb)
Plural forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)
Release | User Interface | Graph | User Interface (red.) | Documentation | Graph |
GNOME 47 (stable) |
85% 28129 1610 3221 |
85% 28129 1610 3221 |
0% 5 16 8764 |
GNOME Incubator |
45% 249 154 142 |
45% 249 154 142 |
0% 492 |
GNOME 46 (old stable) |
80% 26289 2080 4277 |
80% 26289 2080 4277 |
0% 5 16 8589 |
GNOME Circle |
51% 2944 91 2731 |
51% 2944 91 2731 |
3% 20 4 506 |
GNOME Infrastructure |
60% 1283 90 750 |
60% 1283 90 750 |
0% 981 |
Evolution and friends |
83% 14380 1037 1781 |
83% 14380 1037 1781 |
0% 4082 |
GIMP and Friends |
30% 3922 4392 4699 |
30% 3922 4392 4699 |
0% 34658 |
Librem 5 - Purism |
0% 1 864 |
0% 1 864 |
Other Apps |
52% 27832 5372 20152 |
52% 27832 5372 20152 |
0% 21297 |
Other Apps (stable) |
58% 11428 2460 5491 |
58% 11428 2460 5491 |
0% 9664 |
freedesktop.org (non-GNOME) |
14% 1751 493 9869 |
14% 1751 493 9869 |
0% 49 |
All modules | All modules | All modules |