# Basque translation for welcome-gnome-org. # Copyright (C) 2023 welcome-gnome-org's COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the welcome-gnome-org package. # Asier Sarasua Garmendia , 2023, 2024. # msgid "" msgstr "Project-Id-Version: welcome-gnome-org main\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-01-25 16:07+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-03 08:19+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia \n" "Language-Team: Basque \n" "Language: eu\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" msgid "#i18n:gnome.org" msgstr "#i18n:gnome.org" msgid "Adwaita Demo" msgstr "Adwaita demoa" msgid "All participants are expected to follow this Code of Conduct" msgstr "Parte-hartzaile guztiek jokabide-kode hau bete behar dute" msgid "App name…" msgstr "Aplikazioaren izena…" msgid "Apps for GNOME" msgstr "Aplikazioak GNOMErako" msgid "" "As a Core app, it is also pre-installed on [GNOME OS Nightly](https://os." "gnome.org/) which you can install as a virtual machine." msgstr "" msgid "Brand Book" msgstr "" msgid "Building blocks for modern GNOME apps" msgstr "GNOME aplikazio modernoetarako blokeak eraikitzea" msgid "" "Catching issues and regressions before they land in a stable release is very " "valuable for a project. You can help with this by trying out an upcoming " "release." msgstr "" msgid "Chat for discussing websites" msgstr "Webguneak eztabaidatzeko berriketa" msgid "Clone Repository" msgstr "Klonatu biltegia" msgid "Clone Repository…" msgstr "Klonatu biltegia…" msgid "Close Language Selection" msgstr "Itxi hizkuntza-hautapena" msgid "Code Repository" msgstr "Kode-biltegia" msgid "Code of Conduct" msgstr "Jokabide-kodea" msgid "Contact" msgstr "Kontaktua" msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontrastea" msgid "Design" msgstr "Diseinua" msgid "Design Team on GitLab" msgstr "Diseinu-taldea GitLab-en" msgid "Design team issue tracking and work archive" msgstr "Diseinu-taldearen auzien aztarnaria eta lanaren artxiboa" msgid "Design user interfaces, user experience, and visuals" msgstr "Diseinatu erabiltzaile-interfazeak, erabiltzaile-esperientzia eta ikusizkoak" msgid "Developer Center" msgstr "Garatzaile-zentroa" msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentazioa" msgid "Edit this Page" msgstr "Editatu orri hau" msgid "Engage" msgstr "Inplikatu" msgid "Explore all the GNOME-related chat rooms in our Matrix space" msgstr "Arakatu gure Matrix gunean GNOMEri lotuta ditugun berriketa-gela guztiak" msgid "Explore which languages can be used to write GNOME apps" msgstr "Arakatu zein lengoaiak erabili daitezkeen GNOME aplikazioak idazteko" msgid "Facebook" msgstr "Facebook" msgid "Feedback" msgstr "Iritzia" #. Translators: The {0} will be replaced with the correct URL and {1} with 'GitLab' or 'GitHub, and {2} with the app name' msgid "" "First, you can fork *{2}* via the [{1} page]({0}). You only need to do this " "once for every project you work on." msgstr "Hasteko, *{2}* urkilatu dezakezu [{1} orriaren bidez]({0}). Proiektu bakoitzerako behin bakarrak egin behar da." msgid "Forum" msgstr "Foroa" msgid "Foundation News" msgstr "Fundazioaren albisteak" msgid "GNOME Circle" msgstr "GNOMEren zirkulua" msgid "GNOME Code of Conduct" msgstr "GNOMEren jokabide-kodea" msgid "GNOME Development Center" msgstr "GNOMEren garatzaile-zentroa" msgid "GNOME Foundation" msgstr "GNOME Fundazioa" msgid "GNOME GitLab" msgstr "GNOMEren GitLab" msgid "GNOME Nightly" msgstr "GNOME Nightly" msgid "" "GSoC is an online mentoring program focused on introducing new contributors " "to open source software development." msgstr "GSoC lineako mentoretza-programa bat da, kode irekiko software-garapenean garatzaile berriak sortzeko asmoz sortua." msgid "GTK is build on libraries like GLib and GIO" msgstr "GTK eraikitzeko GLib, GIO eta beste liburutegi batzuk erabiltzen dira" msgid "GTK is the underlying library for the user interface" msgstr "GTK erabiltzaile-interfazerako liburutegi nagusia da" msgid "GTK 4 Docs" msgstr "GTK 4 dokumentuak" msgid "GTK 4 docs" msgstr "GTK 4 dokumentuak" msgid "Get help in the matrix channel of the translation project" msgstr "Eskuratu laguntza itzulpen-proiektuaren Matrix kanalean" msgid "GitHub" msgstr "GitHub" msgid "GitLab" msgstr "GitLab" msgid "Google Summer of Code" msgstr "Google Summer of Code" msgid "Handbook" msgstr "Eskuliburua" msgid "Help to translate software and websites into your language" msgstr "Lagundu softwarea eta webguneak zure hizkuntzara itzultzen" msgid "Home of the Websites Team on GitLab" msgstr "Webguneen taldearen orri nagusia GitLab plataforman" msgid "" "How to use GTK, the underlying library for user interfaces, and other " "libraries" msgstr "Nola erabili GTK (erabiltzaile-interfazeetarako liburutegia) eta beste liburutegi batzuk" msgid "" "If you are overwhelmed by working on an existing GNOME app, you can also " "look into [building your own app]({0}) for learning purposes first." msgstr "" msgid "" "If you found an issue or want to propose a change you should try to make " "sure you have tried out the latest version of {0}. You can check the current " "version in the app’s “About” section." msgstr "" msgid "Install Builder" msgstr "Instalatu Builder" msgid "Install Nightly" msgstr "Instalatu Nightly" msgid "Install from Flathub" msgstr "Instalatu Flathub plataformatik" msgid "Install latest build of the app" msgstr "Instalatu aplikazioaren azken eraikuntza" msgid "Install latest version of the app from Flathub" msgstr "Instalatu aplikazioaren azken bertsioa Flathub gunetik" msgid "Install the Builder app from Flathub" msgstr "Instalatu Builder aplikazioa Falthub gunetik" msgid "Issue Tracker" msgstr "Akatsen aztarnaria" msgid "JavaScript Bindings Reference" msgstr "Javascript loturen erreferentzia" msgid "Latest Release" msgstr "Azken bertsioa" msgid "Learn how you can contribute to the GNOME project" msgstr "Ikasi nola lagundu dezakezun GNOME proiektuan" msgid "Learn how you can publish your app on Flathub" msgstr "Ikasi nola argitaratu dezakezun zure aplikazioa Flathub gunean" msgid "Learn more about GNOME nightly apps." msgstr "Ikasi gehiago GNOMEren gaueko aplikazioei buruz." msgid "Learn more about how to translate this app" msgstr "Ikasi aplikazio hau itzultzen" msgid "Learn more about this app on apps.gnome.org" msgstr "Ikasi gehiago aplikazio honi buruz apps.gnome.org gunean" msgid "Libadwaita Docs" msgstr "Libadwaita dokumentazioa" msgid "Libadwaita docs" msgstr "Libadwaita dokumentazioa" msgid "Maintain websites and create content" msgstr "Mantendu webguneak eta sortu edukia" msgid "Mastodon Account" msgstr "Mastodon kontua" msgid "Matrix Community" msgstr "Matrix komunitatea" msgid "Matrix channel for all Vala related questions" msgstr "Matrix kanala Vala lengoaiari lotutako galderetarako" msgid "Matrix channel for all questions related to JavaScript in GNOME" msgstr "Matrix kanala GNOMEko JavaScript lengoaiari lotutako galderetarako" msgid "Matrix channel for all questions related to Python in GNOME" msgstr "Matrix kanala GNOMEko Python lengoaiari lotutako galderetarako" msgid "Merch" msgstr "" msgid "More API References" msgstr "API erreferentzia gehiago" msgid "More about the translation project in GNOME" msgstr "Gehiago GNOMEren itzulpen-proiektuari buruz" msgid "More documentation for GObject libraries" msgstr "Dokumentazio gehiago GObject liburutegietarako" msgid "News" msgstr "Albisteak" #. Translators: The {0} will be replaced with 'GitLab' or 'GitHub' msgid "" "Next, we want that git on your computer can also use your {0} account. For " "this, you need an SSH key. If you don't have an SSH key yet you can " "[generate a new one](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/ssh.html#generate-an-" "ssh-key-pair) using [Console](https://apps.gnome.org/Console/). " "Alternatively, you can generate one using the [Password and Keys](https://" "flathub.org/de/apps/org.gnome.seahorse.Application) app." msgstr "" msgid "No apps matching the given search found." msgstr "Ez da aurkitu emandako bilaketarekin bat datorren aplikaziorik." #. Translators: The {0} will be replaced with 'GitLab' or 'GitHub' msgid "" "Now, we have to let git in your local project know of your personal copy on " "{0} via this URL. For this we need to go back to the command line. First, " "you have to change ([`cd`](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash." "html#index-cd)) into the project you have been working on. Afterwards you " "can use the command" msgstr "" msgid "" "On this page you can learn how to contribute to *{0}*. If you are interested " "in general information about this app, please visit the [Apps for GNOME page]" "({1})." msgstr "" msgid "Outreachy" msgstr "Inplikazioa komunitatearekin" msgid "" "Outreachy provides internships to people subject to systemic bias and " "impacted by underrepresentation in the technical industry where they are " "living." msgstr "" msgid "Overview" msgstr "Ikuspegi orokorra" msgid "Overview of many important development resources for GNOME" msgstr "GNOMErako garapen-baliabide garrantzitsu batzuen ikuspegi orokorra" msgid "Page generated {0}" msgstr "" msgid "Palette" msgstr "Paleta" msgid "Planet GNOME" msgstr "GNOME planeta" msgid "Privacy Policy" msgstr "Pribatutasun-politika" msgid "Programming" msgstr "Programazioa" msgid "Programming Languages" msgstr "Programazio-lengoaiak" msgid "Programming language…" msgstr "Programazio-lengoaiak…" msgid "Project translation on Weblate hosting" msgstr "Proiektuaren itzulpena Weblate ostalarian" msgid "Publish on Flathub" msgstr "Argitaratu Flathub gunean" msgid "Random suggestions out of available apps." msgstr "" msgid "Repository URL" msgstr "Biltegiaren URLa" msgid "Resources" msgstr "Baliabideak" msgid "Rust GTK Core docs" msgstr "Rust GTK Core dokumentazioa" msgid "Rust GTK 4 docs" msgstr "Rust GTK 4 dokumentazioa" msgid "Rust libadwaita docs" msgstr "Rust libadwaita dokumentazioa" msgid "Select Language" msgstr "Hautatu hizkuntza" msgid "" "Some of our websites are translated into different languages. You can find " "the translations in the [*Infrastructure* category]({0})." msgstr "" msgid "Style guide for designing print material and websites for GNOME" msgstr "GNOMErako inprimatze-materiala eta webguneak diseinatzeko estilo-gida" msgid "The URL is available under the button “Clone” below “Clone with SSH.”" msgstr "URLa “Klonatu SSH bidez” azpkiko “Klonatu” botoiaren azpian dago." msgid "The URL is available under the button “Code” below “SSH.”" msgstr "URLa “SSH” azpkiko “Kodea” botoiaren azpian dago." msgid "The app’s Matrix chat for project specific questions" msgstr "Proiektuaren galdera zehatzetarako Matrix berriketa-gela" msgid "The app’s translation status on GNOME’s localization system" msgstr "Aplikazioaren itzulpenaren egoera GNOMEren lokalizazio-sisteman" #. Translators: The {0} will be replaced with the correct URL and {1} with 'GitLab' or 'GitHub' msgid "" "The first step is to create a [new {0} account]({1}) if you don’t own one " "already. You just have to use the linked webform for that." msgstr "" msgid "The latest released version on Flathub is version {0}." msgstr "Flathub gunean argitaratutako azken bertsioa {0} da." msgid "The main channel for GNOME design discussions" msgstr "GNOMEren diseinu-eztabaidetarako kanal nagusia" msgid "The project’s home, keeping the source code and more information" msgstr "Proiektuaren orri nagusia, iturburu-kodea eta informazio gehiago" msgid "The “GNOME Newcomers” chat can help you get started" msgstr "“GNOME Newcomers” berriketa-gelak lanean hasteko laguntza eman diezazuke" msgid "The “Rust ❤️ GNOME” Matrix channel: All about using Rust in GNOME" msgstr "“Rust ❤️ GNOME” Matrix kanala: Rust GNOMEn erabiltzen ikasteko tokia" msgid "This Week in GNOME" msgstr "Aste hau GNOMEn" msgid "This app is built with the *{0}* programming language." msgstr "Aplikazio hau *{0}* programazio-lengoaiarekin eraiki da." msgid "" "This is especially helpful during the [feature freeze period](https://wiki." "gnome.org/ReleasePlanning/Freezes) which is dedicated to finding and fixing " "bugs." msgstr "" msgid "This page" msgstr "Orri hau" #. Translators: The {0} will be replaced with 'GitLab' or 'GitHub' msgid "" "To suggest changes to a project, you first have to create your own copy of " "the project on {0}. Creating this copy is also referred to as *forking*. You " "will need your own copy – or *fork* – of the project to upload your changes " "to this copy." msgstr "" msgid "Translate on Weblate" msgstr "Itzuli Weblate gunean" msgid "Translate this app" msgstr "Itzuli aplikazio hau" msgid "Translation" msgstr "Itzulpena" msgid "Translation Project" msgstr "Itzulpen-proiektua" msgid "Translation on Damned Lies" msgstr "Itzulpena Gezur Madarikatuak gunean" msgid "Typography" msgstr "Tipografia" msgid "Use GNOME’s infrastructure to host your project" msgstr "Erabili GNOMEren azpiegitura zure proiektua ostatatzeko" msgid "Vala Bindings Reference" msgstr "Vala loturen erreferentzia" msgid "View all GNOME Teams" msgstr "Ikusi GNOMEren talde guztiak" msgid "View existing issues and feature requests or add new ones" msgstr "Ikusi lehendik dauden akatsak eta eginbide berrien eskaerak, edo gehitu berriak" msgid "View issues labeled “Newcomer” in the issue tracker" msgstr "Ikusi akats-artarnarian “Newcomer” etiketa dute akatsak" #. Translators: The {0} will be replaced with 'GitLab' or 'GitHub' msgid "" "We begin with some preparations on {0}, where the project is hosted. This " "process might look quite involved if you are going through it for the first " "time, but you will become much more accustomed to it over time." msgstr "" msgid "" "We now have to find out the SSH URL for your fork. You can find it on the " "page you are redirected to after creating the fork. The page of the fork " "will also be listed on your profile." msgstr "" msgid "Websites" msgstr "Webguneak" msgid "Websites Team" msgstr "Webguneen taldea" msgid "Welcome to GNOME" msgstr "Ongi etorri GNOMEra" msgid "Write code and engineer technical solutions" msgstr "Idatzi kdoea eta eskaini konponbide teknikoak" msgid "Write documentation, help pages, and manuals" msgstr "Idatzi dokumentazioa, laguntza-orriak eta eskuliburuak" msgid "" "You can do this by [manually building the app](#getting-the-app-to-build) " "and trying it out." msgstr "" msgid "You can do this by trying out the nightly build of the app." msgstr "Hori egiteko, aplikazioaren gaueko eraikuntza bat probatu dezakezu." #. Translators: The {0} will be replaced with the correct URL and {1} with 'GitLab' or 'GitHub' msgid "" "You now have to add your public SSH key to the [“SSH Keys” setting]({0}) on " "{1}. Public SSH keys are stored in the `.ssh` folder in your home directory " "as files with the ending `.pub`. You can print all your public SSH keys via " "the command `cat ~/.ssh/*.pub`. You can also view the public SSH keys using " "the *Password and Keys* app." msgstr "" msgid "YouTube Channel" msgstr "YouTube kanala" msgid "gitg" msgstr "gitg" #. Translators: The {} will be replacest with a year. msgid "© 2022–{} The “Welcome to GNOME” contributors" msgstr "© 2022–{} “Welcome to GNOME” garatzaileak" msgid "“Newcomer” issues" msgstr "“Newcomer” akatsak" #: templates/app.md:22 msgid "Translating the app" msgstr "Aplikazioa itzultzea" #: templates/app.md:24 msgid "" "The original text in apps is usually written in American English. The " "translation into other languages can be added by translators separately. The " "translation usually encompasses the apps’ user interface as well as the " "metadata shown in places like [Software](https://apps.gnome.org/app/org." "gnome.Software/) or [apps.gnome.org](https://apps.gnome.org). Common " "abbreviations used in this context are *l10n* (localization) and *i18n* " "(internationalization)." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:26 msgid "" "It looks like this app does not provide a way to be translated, yet. Feel " "free to file an issue against the project to ask for a way to translate this " "app." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:26 msgid "" "The translation of this project is managed via Weblate hosting. This " "platform is not part of the GNOME project." msgstr "Proiektu honen itzulpena Weblate gune batean kudeatzen da. Plataforma hori ez da GNOME proiektuarena." #: templates/app.md:26 msgid "" "This app is translated via the [GNOME translation system](https://l10n.gnome." "org) called *Damned Lies*." msgstr "Aplikazio hau *Gezur Madarikatuak* izeneko [GNOME itzulpen-sistemaren](https://l10n.gnome.org) bidez itzultzen da." #: templates/app.md:61 templates/app.md:42 templates/app.md:40 msgid "Trying the latest version" msgstr "Azken bertsioa probatzea" #: templates/app.md:64 msgid "" "For technical reasons, the latest version of this app cannot be easily " "tested. This is the case for very few apps that need tight integration with " "the system." msgstr "Arrazoi teknikoen ondorioz, aplikazio honen azken bertsioa ezin da erraz probatu. Sistemarekin oso estu integratuta dauden aplikazio gutxi batzuetan gertatzen da hori." #: templates/app.md:64 templates/app.md:45 templates/app.md:43 msgid "" "When reporting an issue or suggesting a feature, it can be helpful to base " "the report on the latest version of the app. To this end, you can check the " "installation methods below." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:69 templates/app.md:50 templates/app.md:48 msgid "Installation from Flathub" msgstr "Flathub gunetik instalatzea" #: templates/app.md:88 msgid "" "This app does not currently provide information on where to inspect issues." msgstr "Aplikazio honek ez du informaziorik ematen akatsak ikuskatzeko tokiari buruz." #: templates/app.md:94 templates/app.md:70 msgid "Installing a nightly build" msgstr "Gaueko eraikuntza bat instalatzea" #: templates/app.md:96 templates/app.md:138 templates/app.md:77 msgid "Quality testing" msgstr "Kalitate-probak" #: templates/app.md:96 templates/app.md:72 msgid "" "This app allows to install a version of its current development status. Such " "installations were traditionally generated each night, giving them the name " "“nightly builds.” Nowadays, they are usually regenerated whenever the main " "development version changes." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:100 templates/app.md:76 msgid "" "**Warning:** Nightly builds of apps should only be used for testing and not " "for actual tasks. You can identify nightly builds of the app on your system " "via the stripes in the app’s icon and the stripes in the app’s headerbar. " "They usually use a different configuration than other installations of this " "app. However, there is no guarantee that the installation of these apps will " "work as intended. Never work on data with nightly builds of apps without " "having backups available." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:103 templates/app.md:145 templates/app.md:84 msgid "Chasing issues" msgstr "Akatsak bilatzea" #: templates/app.md:105 templates/app.md:147 templates/app.md:86 msgid "" "For many apps, the issue tracker is a central place for coordination of app " "development. It is not only used to track all existing problems but also to " "plan new features and other miscellaneous tasks." msgstr "Aplikazio askotarako, akats-aztarnaria aplikazioaren garapena koordinatzeko gune zentrala da. Ez da soilik akatsen jarraipena egiteko erabiltzen, eginbide berriak planifikatzeko eta beste hainbat zereginetarako ere erabiltzen da." #: templates/app.md:121 templates/app.md:163 templates/app.md:102 msgid "Reporting found issues" msgstr "Aurkitutako akatsen berri ematea" #: templates/app.md:123 templates/app.md:165 templates/app.md:104 msgid "" "Reporting issues you found when using the app can be of high value for app " "maintainers. However, processing issue reports can also take considerable " "amount of time. You can take on some of the work by trying the following " "steps:" msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:125 templates/app.md:167 templates/app.md:106 msgid "" "Search the issue tracker to find out if the issue has already been reported." msgstr "Egin bilaketa akats-aztarnarian, akatsa jadanik jakinarazi den aurkitzeko." #: templates/app.md:126 templates/app.md:168 templates/app.md:107 msgid "" "Check if the issue also exists in the [latest version of the app](#trying-" "the-latest-version)." msgstr "Begiratu ea akatsa [aplikazioaren azken bertsioan](#trying-the-latest-version) ere dagoen." #: templates/app.md:127 templates/app.md:169 templates/app.md:108 msgid "" "If applicable, try to find out and which exact circumstances the problem " "occurs." msgstr "Beharrezkoa bada, saiatu akatsa non eta nola gertatzen den aurkitzen." #: templates/app.md:128 templates/app.md:170 templates/app.md:109 msgid "" "Report all potentially relevant information, like the version of the app " "that expose the behavior." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:130 templates/app.md:172 templates/app.md:111 msgid "Diagnosing listed issues" msgstr "Zerrendatutako akatsak diagnostikatzea" #: templates/app.md:130 templates/app.md:106 msgid "" "The nightly version can also be installed via [Console](https://apps.gnome." "org/app/org.gnome.Console/) if the nightly repository is already [configured]" "(http://nightly.gnome.org)." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:132 templates/app.md:174 templates/app.md:113 msgid "" "Tracking down the exact cause of an issue can be a very important task. " "Especially for issues tagged with labels like “Needs Diagnosis” or “Needs " "Information.” If you can reproduce, that is, trigger the reported problem " "yourself, you can try to dig deeper. This can go from finding out under " "which exact conditions the issue appears, over running the app with [debug " "output enabled](https://developer-old.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-running." "html), to adding debug outputs to the code that narrow down the problem." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:134 templates/app.md:176 templates/app.md:115 msgid "Suggesting features" msgstr "Eginbideak iradokitzea" #: templates/app.md:136 templates/app.md:178 templates/app.md:117 msgid "" "Most apps handle feature requests via the issue tracker as well. Note that " "implementing features and maintaining them as part of the codebase in the " "future can require a significant amount of additional work. Therefore, you " "should consider whether a new feature could even be relevant enough to be " "part of this app." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:138 templates/app.md:180 templates/app.md:119 msgid "" "When suggesting a new feature, it is helpful to focus on the question of " "what practical problem the feature should solve. Not on how the app should " "solve the problem or how exactly an implemention would look like. " "Preferably, you can also give a practical example where you needed the " "feature." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:140 templates/app.md:182 templates/app.md:121 msgid "Finding a task" msgstr "Zeregin bat aurkitzea" #: templates/app.md:142 templates/app.md:184 templates/app.md:123 msgid "" "The issue tracker can also help you find open tasks you could tackle. Before " "implementing a new feature, it is usually a good idea to check in with the " "maintainers if merge requests for this feature would be accepted." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:146 templates/app.md:188 templates/app.md:127 msgid "Working on the code" msgstr "Kodean lan egitea" #: templates/app.md:148 templates/app.md:190 templates/app.md:129 msgid "" "Whether you want to fix a typo, change the user interface, or work on the " "code of the app, the following information can help you get started. The " "first step will be to get the app built on your computer, allowing you to " "play around with your changes. Afterward, you can check the provided " "documentation on how to get respective tasks done. The subsequent section " "will show you how to submit your changes." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:150 templates/app.md:192 templates/app.md:131 msgid "" "If you are planning a somewhat larger change or addition to the app, it is " "often a good idea to check in with the maintainers of the app to find out if " "that change would be accepted. For this, you should first convince yourself " "that you can tackle the task at hand by doing the very first implementation " "steps and then check in with the maintainers via the issue tracker. This is " "also a good way to check if the project has an active maintainer who can " "accept your contribution. Despite our best efforts, not all projects are " "always continuously maintained." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:152 templates/app.md:194 templates/app.md:133 msgid "" "Note that while many community members are happy to help you out when you " "are stuck, maintainers oftentimes might not have the resources to guide you " "through a contribution." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:186 templates/app.md:188 templates/app.md:122 msgid "" "This app also has tasks which are labeled with the “Newcomer” tag. Those " "tasks usually require less prior knowledge or are less complex." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:193 templates/app.md:182 templates/app.md:224 msgid "Getting the app to build" msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:195 templates/app.md:184 templates/app.md:226 msgid "" "When making changes to an app you will usually want to build and test the " "app with its changes on your computer. For most apps this is process can be " "simplified a lot by using the Builder app." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:211 templates/app.md:200 templates/app.md:242 msgid "" "After starting Builder, you can choose to *clone* a project. This will " "download the app to your computer." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:223 templates/app.md:212 templates/app.md:254 msgid "" "You have to enter the repository location. The correct URL can be copied " "from below." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:241 templates/app.md:230 templates/app.md:272 msgid "" "Depending on your internet connection and the size of the project, cloning " "the project might take a while. After Builder has completed this step, the " "project window should open. You might have to confirm the installation of " "some required dependencies. To try if you can successfully build and start " "the app, you can now press the “Run Project” button." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:245 templates/app.md:301 templates/app.md:303 msgid "C language" msgstr "C lengoaia" #: templates/app.md:245 templates/app.md:226 templates/app.md:224 msgid "Python language" msgstr "Python lengoaia" #: templates/app.md:251 templates/app.md:240 templates/app.md:282 msgid "" "If everything goes right, the app should be built. After the build has been " "completed, the built app should start automatically." msgstr "Dena ondo badoa, aplikazioa eraiki egingo da. Eraikuntza osatu ondoren, aplikazioa automatikoki abiaraziko da." #: templates/app.md:256 templates/app.md:287 templates/app.md:303 msgid "Rust language" msgstr "Rust lengoaia" #: templates/app.md:301 templates/app.md:303 templates/app.md:226 msgid "Vala language" msgstr "Vala lengoaia" #: templates/app.md:303 templates/app.md:226 templates/app.md:214 msgid "JavaScript language" msgstr "JavaScript lengoaia" #: templates/app.md:312 templates/app.md:310 templates/app.md:301 msgid "Setting up GitHub" msgstr "GitHub konfiguratzea" #: templates/app.md:341 templates/app.md:319 templates/app.md:372 msgid "Submitting your work" msgstr "Zure lana bidaltzea" #: templates/app.md:343 templates/app.md:321 templates/app.md:374 msgid "" "After making changes to a project, you can submit them for review. Our goal " "is to create what’s called *merge request* or *pull requests*. That means " "suggesting a change to a project’s code and data." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:358 templates/app.md:336 templates/app.md:389 msgid "Setting up GitLab" msgstr "GitLab konfiguratzea" #: templates/app.md:381 templates/app.md:359 templates/app.md:412 msgid "Creating your own project copy" msgstr "Zure proriektu propioaren kopia sortzea" #: templates/app.md:401 templates/app.md:379 templates/app.md:432 msgid "" "where `` has to be replaced with the SSH URL you looked up in " "the previous step." msgstr "non `` ordez, aurreko urratsean aurkitu duzun SSH URLa jarri behar den." #: templates/app.md:406 templates/app.md:384 templates/app.md:437 msgid "Creating a merge request" msgstr "Merge eskari bat sortzea" #: templates/app.md:408 templates/app.md:386 templates/app.md:439 msgid "We now arrive at what are more regular tasks when working with git." msgstr "Orain, git-ekin lanean aritzean gehien erabiltzen diren urratsetara iritsi gara." #: templates/app.md:413 templates/app.md:391 templates/app.md:444 msgid "" "First, we want to switch to what’s called a different *branch*. Branches are " "variants of the original code where you can, for example, develop a feature, " "until it is ready to go into the actually used code. To do this you can call" msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:419 templates/app.md:397 templates/app.md:450 msgid "" "where `my-changes` is a short description of what you are working on, " "without spaces." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:424 templates/app.md:402 templates/app.md:455 msgid "" "Next, we want to save the changes you made with git. That’s usually referred " "to as creating a *commit*. You can do this with the command" msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:430 templates/app.md:408 templates/app.md:461 msgid "" "The commit messages should describe your changes. You can learn more about " "[choosing a fitting commit message](https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/" "CommitMessages)." msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:435 templates/app.md:413 templates/app.md:466 msgid "" "Now, we have to get your saved changed onto GitLab. Luckily, we have already " "done all the setup with using `git remote add` in the previous section. All " "that’s left to do is now to call" msgstr "" #: templates/app.md:444 templates/app.md:422 templates/app.md:475 msgid "" "We are finally at the last step. If you check the output in Console after " "our previous `git push` command, you will probably already see a website " "link showing you the way to create a *pull* or *merge request*. You can open " "it by pressing the *Ctrl* key while clicking on it. All that is left is to " "follow the website to finalize submitting your changes." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:3 msgid "Contribute to existing apps" msgstr "Lagundu lehendik dauden aplikazioetan" #: templates/index.md:3 msgid "Our community" msgstr "Gure komunitatea" #: templates/index.md:5 msgid "" "A very warm welcome to the GNOME project. We want everyone to have an " "enjoyable and fulfilling experience. For this, the GNOME community " "prioritizes marginalized people’s safety over privileged people’s comfort. " "To learn more about how you can find support and what is expected from " "contributors, please have a look at our [GNOME Code of Conduct](https://wiki." "gnome.org/Foundation/CodeOfConduct)." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:5 msgid "" "Below, you can find instructions on how to build and work on specific apps. " "If you are not sure where to contribute, consider choosing an app that you " "use yourself or select a programming language with which you are already " "familiar. Try to solve a problem or implement a feature that is important to " "you or where you feel an inner motivation." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:21 msgid "" "In GNOME we use Matrix chat to hang out together and discuss projects. You " "can get started in the [\\#newcomers room](https://matrix.to/#/#newcomers:" "gnome.org) or directly reach out in a more specific chat room." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:34 msgid "Creating a new app" msgstr "Aplikazio berria sortzea" #: templates/index.md:36 msgid "" "Creating your own app will not only allow you to implement your own ideas at " "will. It is also an opportunity to understand how all the pieces in the " "GNOME ecosystem fit together." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:38 msgid "" "It is possible to write apps for GNOME in several different programming " "languages. You can check our list of the [most frequently used languages]" "(https://developer.gnome.org/documentation/introduction/languages.html)." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:40 msgid "" "You can publish your app on [Flathub](https://github.com/flathub/flathub/" "wiki/App-Submission) to make it easily available to many people. If your app " "is polished and ready for everyday usage, you can consider submitting it to " "[GNOME Circle](https://circle.gnome.org). The Circle membership makes you " "project eligible for support through the GNOME Foundation." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:53 templates/team/design.md:42 msgid "Where to contribute" msgstr "Non lagundu" #: templates/index.md:55 msgid "" "Within GNOME there are many areas where you can contribute and a plethora of " "skills that are appreciated." msgstr "GNOME barruan laguntza behar duten hainbat area daude, eta trebezia desberdin asko lagungarriak izan daitezke horretarako." #: templates/index.md:89 msgid "Programming languages" msgstr "Programazio-lengoaiak" #: templates/index.md:90 msgid "Contribute to an app" msgstr "Lagundu aplikazio batean" #: templates/index.md:91 msgid "" "Below, you can find an overview of the most popular languages for writing " "GNOME apps." msgstr "Behean, GNOME aplikazioak idazteko dauden lengoaia erabilienen ikuspegi orokorra duzu." #: templates/index.md:92 msgid "" "Below, you can find specific contribution guides for all GNOME apps. If you " "are not sure where to contribute, consider choosing an app that you use " "yourself. Try to solve something that is important to you or where you feel " "an inner motivation." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:112 templates/app.md:249 templates/app.md:305 #: templates/app.md:307 msgid "" "To get started with developing GNOME apps with C we recommend the [Beginners " "Tutorial](https://developer.gnome.org/documentation/tutorials/beginners/" "getting_started.html) that also covers the C language. You can find other " "important resources below." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:126 msgid "Internships" msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:128 msgid "" "You can begin or continue your journey with GNOME with a remote internship " "including mentoring and a stipend. You can both choose from suggested " "projects or suggest your own." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:141 msgid "Something missing?" msgstr "Zerbait faltan?" #: templates/index.md:143 msgid "" "The *Welcome to GNOME* pages are new. [Let us know](https://gitlab.gnome.org/" "Teams/Websites/welcome.gnome.org/-/issues) if you couldn’t find what you " "were hoping to find on this website." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:154 templates/app.md:307 templates/app.md:230 #: templates/app.md:218 msgid "" "We recommend the [GJS Developer Guide](https://gjs.guide/guides/) to get " "started with JavaScript in GNOME. You can find other important resources " "below." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:184 templates/app.md:249 templates/app.md:230 #: templates/app.md:228 msgid "" "If you are familiar with the basics of the [Python language](https://www." "python.org/), we recommend the [Beginners Tutorial](https://developer.gnome." "org/documentation/tutorials/beginners/getting_started.html) which also " "covers the Python language. You can find other important resources below." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:225 templates/app.md:260 templates/app.md:291 #: templates/app.md:307 msgid "" "If you are familiar with the basics of the [Rust language](https://www.rust-" "lang.org), we recommend the online book [GUI development with Rust and GTK 4]" "(https://gtk-rs.org/gtk4-rs/stable/latest/book/). This book explains how " "Rust can be used to create apps in the GNOME ecosystem. You can find other " "important resources below." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:277 templates/app.md:305 templates/app.md:307 #: templates/app.md:230 msgid "" "For getting started with the [Vala language](https://vala.dev/), we " "recommend the [Vala Tutorial](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala/Tutorial) " "or the [Beginners Tutorial](https://developer.gnome.org/documentation/" "tutorials/beginners/getting_started.html), which also covers Vala. You can " "find other important resources below." msgstr "" #: templates/index.md:310 msgid "" "The following apps are worth trying out to get started with development " "within GNOME. For more apps you can check the [Development Tools section]" "(https://apps.gnome.org/#development) on *Apps for GNOME*." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:3 msgid "" "The GNOME design team is responsible for GNOME user experience and visual " "design. This includes:" msgstr "GNOMEren diseinu-taldea GNOMEren erabiltzaile-esperientziaren eta ikusizko diseinuaren arduraduna da. Besteak beste, honakoak ditu eginkizun:" #: templates/team/design.md:5 msgid "the design of the GNOME desktop, core apps, and app toolkit components" msgstr "GNOME mahaigainaren, funtsezko aplikazioen eta aplikazioen tresna-kutxako osagaien diseinua" #: templates/team/design.md:6 msgid "icon and wallpaper design" msgstr "ikonoen eta horma-paperen diseinua" #: templates/team/design.md:7 msgid "interface styling" msgstr "interfazeen estiloa" #: templates/team/design.md:8 msgid "maintaining GNOME’s design guidelines" msgstr "GNOMEren diseinuko gidalerroen mantenimendua" #: templates/team/design.md:9 msgid "usability testing and research" msgstr "erabilgarritasun-probak eta -ikerketa" #: templates/team/design.md:11 msgid "Help is needed in all of these areas, and contributions are welcome." msgstr "Area horietan guztietan behar da laguntza, eta ekarpen oro ongi etorria da." #: templates/team/design.md:13 msgid "Get involved" msgstr "Hartu parte" #: templates/team/design.md:15 msgid "" "New contributors should join the GNOME design chat channel and see the GNOME " "design team GitLab space." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:44 msgid "" "GNOME design work happens in a variety of places, depending on the type of " "contribution:" msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:46 msgid "" "To contribute directly to the design of an app or module, use its project in " "GitLab or its Matrix chat channel." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:47 msgid "" "Many contributions happen through discussion with other designers and " "developers, often in chat on Matrix." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:48 msgid "" "Contributions to icons and wallpapers happen in dedicated GitLab projects, " "whose details can be found in [GNOME design team GitLab space](https://" "gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Design)." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:49 msgid "" "Ideas for design changes can be suggested in the [design team’s whiteboard " "project](https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Design/whiteboards)." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:50 msgid "" "New user experience designs are stored and tracked in the team’s public " "mockup repositories, which can also be found in GitLab." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:52 msgid "Getting up to speed" msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:54 msgid "" "Everyone who works on GNOME user experience and design should be familiar " "with:" msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:56 msgid "" "GNOME’s design guidelines, called the [GNOME Human Interface Guidelines]" "(https://developer.gnome.org/hig/)." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:57 msgid "" "Existing GNOME design work, including the current state of GNOME itself, as " "well as our latest design work." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:58 msgid "" "The posts in the design team’s [recommended reading list](https://hedgedoc." "gnome.org/design-reading?view#), particularly those by Havoc Pennington (for " "some insight into the history behind GNOME design work)." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:60 msgid "" "Participating in GNOME design does not entail any other requirements for " "experience or training. However, the role that you are able to play in GNOME " "design will depend on your existing level of expertise: experienced " "designers may be able to take on design initiatives relatively quickly, but " "if you are new to design work, you may need to gain experience on smaller " "tasks to begin with." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:62 msgid "Joining the team" msgstr "Taldearekin bat egitea" #: templates/team/design.md:64 msgid "" "Becoming a core member of the design team requires a time commitment, since " "you must work closely with the rest of the team and build up a detailed " "knowledge of our design language and practices. If this is something that " "you’d like to do, making contact with an existing team member for guidance " "is a good first step." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:66 msgid "Other ways to help" msgstr "Laguntzeko beste modu batzuk" #: templates/team/design.md:68 msgid "" "There are many ways to contribute to GNOME user experience. If you are new " "and want to help out, here are some great ways to get started:" msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:70 msgid "" "Try contributing user experience changes directly to GNOME modules. This can " "include even simple changes such as icon or text label changes." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:71 msgid "Report user experience problems in GNOME’s issue trackers." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:72 msgid "" "Help out in the issue trackers of GNOME modules, to review reports and help " "to find solutions to design problems." msgstr "" #: templates/team/design.md:74 msgid "" "These activities will often require you to work with the design team to come " "up with solutions to design problems." msgstr "" #: templates/team/websites.md:3 msgid "" "The Websites Team maintains pages like [This Week in GNOME](https://thisweek." "gnome.org/), [Apps for GNOME](https://apps.gnome.org/), and many more. You " "can find an overview of all websites on our [team page](https://gitlab.gnome." "org/Teams/Websites/). The websites team is supported by the work of the " "design and infrastructure teams." msgstr "" #: templates/team/websites.md:41 msgid "Translating websites" msgstr "Webguneak itzultzea" #: templates/team/websites.md:51 msgid "Reporting issues" msgstr "Akatsak jakinaraztea" #: templates/team/websites.md:53 msgid "" "Oftentimes a website has a link to it’s repository at the bottom of the " "page. If you can’t figure out the correct place to report an issue you can " "check the [Website Team’s page](https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Websites/) " "for the respective website. This page also gives you a place to report " "issues without known the correct website or for more general issues." msgstr "" #: templates/team/websites.md:55 msgid "Working on websites" msgstr "Webguneetan lan egitea" #: templates/team/websites.md:57 msgid "" "The work on websites highly differes from website to website. For getting " "started it is a good idea to resist the temptation to redesign a whole " "website or even the whole of all websites. Instead, you can check the " "[team’s issue tracker](https://gitlab.gnome.org/groups/Teams/Websites/-/" "issues/) for open issues. You can also check what website suites you " "technology wise: While some websites are written in Sphinx, Jekyll, or plain " "HTML, others are based on more complex Rust code." msgstr "" #: templates/team/websites.md:59 templates/index.md:308 templates/app.md:310 #: templates/app.md:288 templates/app.md:341 msgid "Useful apps" msgstr "Aplikazio erabilgarriak"